Nerd Media
At Secret Identity Comics, we work hard to keep you in the know through social media outlets. We provide our followers with artistic, current content as well as important information regarding upcoming events on a daily basis. We pride ourselves on keeping it geeky and exciting! We invite you to check us out on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Being a small local shop, we promise you that your support is greatly appreciated and never goes unnoticed. Every like and follow helps us tremendously!
RT @DCComics: Good sons always remember to brood alongside their dad. #FathersDay
RT @heroesbythepint: A day late on our pulls. Shout out to @si_comics for another great week and cheers to @thevaultcomics We about to…
RT @TheSilentBob314: @si_comics stepping in to save the day. #NotAllHeroesWearCapes